2024 AMS

Mid-Year Appeal

Give the joy of reading to children in the Pacific

In the Solomon Islands the literacy rates are less than 30% and bookshops are hard to find. Children can't currently access the library at St Joseph's Marist School, Tenaru. It is unsafe, empty and mould infested. Please donate today to transform this space into a vibrant learning hub, filled with books where children can learn and improve their literacy.


Thank you for visiting our website. This is the hub for all information about Australian Marist Solidarity and the projects we support across Asia and the Pacific. With your contribution, we are able to support more than 50 locally-led projects in up to 15 countries. You can learn all about those projects through our quarterly publication, Solidarity Matters, in our Annual Reports, or through our Projects page. Every one of those projects can make education available to young people thanks to the contributions of our friends and supporters - thank you! To discover how you can be part of the change, please visit the Get Involved tab where we provide many different options to contribute to AMS’ vision of solidarity.

Bec Bromhead, CEO

Australian Marist Solidarity (AMS) is the international agency for the aid and development work of the Marist family in Australia throughout Asia and the Pacific Islands.

AMS works with the people in this region on a combination of long-term and short-term development projects. These projects aim to develop or support locally sustained education opportunities for the young people in these regions.

AMS works to bring education and hope to young people living in Asia and the Pacific so that they can build a brighter future.

With your support and contributions, together, we bring hope.


Read the latest inspiring news and program updates from Asia and the Pacific in our quarterly publication, Solidarity Matters.

Your support means AMS can provide life-changing work in up to 15 countries, delivering over 50 projects, impacting more than 8000 young people

Australian Marist Solidarity (AMS) is the international agency for the aid and development work of the Marist family in Australia throughout Asia and the Pacific Islands. AMS is part of Marist Solidarity and looks after its development projects.

Australian Marist Solidarity is a full member and signatory of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID). For more information on our commitment to the Code click here.

We are endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (ABN 46 373 535 209) and registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.

To read our Privacy Policy, click here.